5 Habits to make you mentally strong

 5 Habits  to make you  mentally strong 

1. Delay Gratification

The ability to delay gratification can be a big predictor of success. 
Mentally strong people have the ability to prioritize the long-term over short-term pleasure.
2. show up on the toughest days 

Often it's the days when we don't feel like showing up that end up being the most important ones. 
proving to yourself that you can show up on tough days builds your resilience and mental strength. 

3. Positive self - Talk 

one of the fastest ways to tear down your mental toughness is by speaking negatively to yourself. 
Mentally strong people understand the importance of being your own biggest supporter. 

4. Don't dwell on things 

Allowing a problem or situation to dominate your mind, is another quick way to lose resilience. 
Mentally strong people focus on what is within their control, and take action on it as soon as possible.

5. Practice Empathy 

Mentally strong people don't take things personally. 
They seek to  understand the viewpoints of others, and use it to from stronger relationships. 

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