Sandeep Maheshwari Quotes|| Sandeep Maheshwari Quotes in English ||Sandeep Maheshwari Motivation Quotes
" Success is not an event, it is a thought process "
" If you are searching for that person who will change your life,
take a look in the Mirror "
" Action without thinking and thinking without actions
will give you 100% failure."
" The most important thing to be happy about
in this world is that “YOU'RE ALIVE”
“Life Is Waiting for You, Give Your Best Shot.”
“If you have more then you need, simply
share it with those who need it most.”
“The moment you start valuing yourself,
the world will start valuing you.”
“Success comes from experiences, experiences
come from bad experiences ”
“See things as they are, not as you think they are.”
“Focus on yourself to discover your true potential.”
“Real beauty is within you.”
“The power to speak fearlessly can come only from the truth.”
“Yoga is not just about doing a handful exercises.
Yoga means the ultimate union of the body, mind and soul.”
“Once you become fearless life becomes limitless...”
“The key to happiness is understanding.”
“Be the kind of person you want to meet.”
“Business is more of an art than a science.”
“Don't take yourself too serious.”
“You are unique, nobody else is you.”
“Anger is not bad if it is directed in the right way.”
“Life is not a problem to be solved
but a game to be played.”
“Excuses are for those who have no desire to success.”
“The highest level of intelligence is to understand
who you are at your deepest level.” -
“You are not a being that is aware, you are the awareness itself.” -
“Discover who you are, not what others want you to be.”
“Accept your mistakes and move on.”
“Smile to change the world, don't let the world
change your smile.”
“If you can learn anything, you can do anything.”
“Success is all about action in the right direction.”
“You are much more than you think.”
“Never let others control your life.”
“There is no fear that can’t be conquered”
“Love is not a temporary feeling or emotion.
Emotion and feeling change,
sometimes daily. But true
unconditional love is everlasting.”
“What you think about yourself matters more
than what others think about you.”
“Self-reflection is the only way to make your
mind absolutely peaceful.”
“The eye you see the world, this is the way
you will see all around the world.”
“The person who knows everything about
why and what am I doing and how
to do it then nobody can stop him.
“Meditation should not be torture.
it must be fun! start small. Five to ten
minutes a day is a great start!”
“The person who has changed his habit,
he will change tomorrow, and the person who
could not change their habit with him
tomorrow will be what is happening
already and will happen.”
“Don't be to serious about what you
think. it’s just a point of view.”
“Your desire to change must be greater than
your desire to be the same.”
“Just be silent and know yourself.
“If the whole world says it is due to palm lines that
my fate is bad, then why can't I change my palm lines.”
“Those who cannot change their minds
cannot change anything.”
“Acceptance of what it is Happiness.”
" To act out of desire is bondage
To act out of love is freedom. "
“Make your problems adventures and achieve
greatness in every situation in life.”
“No matter how hard it gets, never give up.”
“Never be afraid to laugh at yourself.” -
“Keep moving forward, you are the future.”
When you want to do the thing that nobody did till now,
once this desire comes from your heart,
then you don't have to do anything,
that desire will do anything by using your body.”
“The illusion of luck disappears when
we start seeing things as they actually are.”
“Any work you put in 100%, then you'll be successful.”
“Wisdom is directly proportional to
your power to overcome the failures and setbacks in life.”
“There you can learn a lot of things about how
to handle the difficult situation by your
intelligence and how you can achieve
your goal by hard yourself-confident.”
“The ability to detach yourself from your
thoughts is your ticket to freedom.”
“Success always hugs you in private..!
But failure always slaps you in the public..! That’s Life.”
“You have to be powerful, not because
you then you can beat others,
but you have to be powerful
for not to get beaten by others.”
“Stop Doubting Yourself, Work Hard, Make It Happen.”
“If you really want to be successful,
stop worrying about what you can get
and start focusing on what you can do.”
“Learn to control your thought or your
thoughts will control you.”
“Always remember, you are bigger than your problems.”
“You might have failed, but you're
not a failure until you give up.”
“Stop criticizing yourself for your failures.
Start appreciating yourself for your achievements.”
“Never be afraid to do what you love.”
“Education is not just about gathering knowledge,
but more so about learning how to think.”
“The moment you start valuing yourself,
the world will start valuing you.”
“Learn to control your thoughts or
your thoughts will control you.”
If You have any doubts, Please let me know.